
Bring your ideas, your energy, and your passion—we’ll bring the opportunities to make them count.

In 2025, we ranked as the #1 employer in Ukraine according to the largest Ukrainian IT community, DOU.
We have maintained our position in the top for 3 consecutive years.

Djinni is a talent-hiring service with thousands of companies and candidates.

We’re pleased to be one of the top employers there and to be among the 0.025% of the most active users!

According to the official Officevibe statistic our eNPS is 8.3 out of 10.

For comparison, during the same period, the average score for similar global companies is 7.8.

open positions

At Empat, we’ve grown more than 2.5 times, and we’re continuing to build a culture where people come first. If you’re looking for a place to grow and make an impact, we’d love for you to join our team!

Business Development Manager
We are looking for a highly proactive BDM to join our professional team!
Senior Project Manager
We are looking for a skilled Senior Project Manager with strong hard & soft skills! If you're ready to make an impact, let's talk!
Lead/Partner Backend Developer
We are looking for an extremely proactive and talented Python Developer!
Alisa Z.
Alona S.
Anastasiia D.
Stacy M.
Anastasiia S.
Anastasiia T.
Andrii K.
Andrii T.
Anna P.
Bohdan K.
Daniil K.
Denys Z.
Gennadii N.
Dmytro T.
Igor R.
Ihor K.
Ilay Sh.
Illia D.
Ilona D.
Ivan D.
Kateryna I.
Kateryna M.
Kateryna S.
Khrystyna S.
Kostiantyn K.
Lesia Ch.
Nazar G.
Oleh P.
Oleksandr B.
Olga B.
Pavlo P.
Sergiy T.
Serhii Z.
Sofiia S.
Stanislav D.
Stanislav K.
Valentyna P.
Valeriia H.
Vitalii B.
Vladislav K.
Vladyslav F.
Vladyslav Sh.
Yaroslav M.
Yurii I.
Yurii D.
Oleg K.
Rostyslav P.
Vladyslav M.
Yurii V.
Maksym L.
Alla H.
Mykola Ch.
Mykola P.
Olexandr A.
Vasyl T.
Oleksandr K.
Karyna K.
Kostyantyn P.
Dmytro V.
Kateryna O.
Anton B.
Anastasiia M.
 Mykhailo K.
Illia E.
Arseniiy K.
Dmytro Y.
Yehor B.
Yaroslava K.
Vyacheslav M.
Anastasiia V.
Adam I.
Danylo S.
Dmytro P.
Illia B.
Kateryna H.
Maksym B.
Maksym P.
Mariia Z.
Mykyta K.
Oleksandr K.
Roman P.
Veronika Z.
Victor I.
Vladyslav K.
Vladyslav T.
Fedir F.
Illia P.
Yulia B.
Dana K.
Dmytro N.

We welcome your CV submission

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Anastasiia Tymoshenko
Head of HR
Mail directly to Anastasiia