Enabling and supporting atmosphere helps each of us to be our best. We always welcome great people who fit our values and spirit. So don't be shy, give us a shout even if there is no open role now!
In 2024, we ranked as the #1 employer in Ukraine according to the largest Ukrainian IT community, DOU.
We have maintained our position in the top for 3 consecutive years.
Djinni is a talent-hiring service with thousands of companies and candidates.
We’re pleased to be one of the top employers there and to be among the 0.025% of the most active users!
According to the official Officevibe statistic our eNPS is 8.3 out of 10.
For comparison, during the same period, the average score for similar global companies is 7.8.
Explore the heart of our company through our values.
We are not only Empat team, we are people whose discover the world and having fun together - from quest rooms and team stretching to soft skills workshops and science museums.
We have a time when we share useful things, and here our fav books.